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Dr Montanaro writes that at around 6-8 weeks old (at the end of the symbiotic period) the child starts on our solar pattern and begins to sleep longer at night. "The newborn simply does not have any experience of night and day and takes a certain time to enter this solar routine. The child must experience this difference for a certain amount of time before the problem is naturally corrected." At a month old I want to encourage Otis to observe our solar pattern and sleep longer at night (he currently sleeps for longer periods and more soundly during the... Read more →

Want to take a peek inside Otis's room? Come on in... For this room I wanted to achieve an atmosphere of calm a sense of order an environment to facilitate a child's movement an environment to engage the child a balance between challenge and support for the child separate sleep, play and change areas a room a child would want to be in The main features of this room include A movement area consisting of a large soft blanket, wall mirror and mobile. Otis is a month old so we are using the Munari mobile. I have written about the... Read more →

I have checked the stats... there are a lot of people who visit or click onto this blog everyday. Yet I was unable to swap one single book via this post Montessori book swap? I still want these great books to go to good homes so I have decided to give them away. All of these books were purchased new by me are in a really good condition. The books I have to give away include Montessori In a Montessori Home - Sarah Moudry What is Montessori Preschool - David Kahn Montessori Play and Learn - Lesley Britton A Parents'... Read more →