Recent practical life
Using the carpet sweeper. Caspar doesn't like the noise of the vacuum cleaner (and it is a bit hard for a three year old to use) but he loves the carpet sweeper. I purchased this one from the supermarket, it is small - perfect size for him.
Cutting flowers. Flowers are an essential component of a Montessori classroom. We love them in our house too - everywhere. I wish we had more flowering at this time of year.
Washing potatoes. Caspar wants to help (contribute) nearly every time I am in the kitchen. This is an easy activity to set up for him when I am busy.
Peeling carrots. This activity really challenges him. He is learning a lot of new skills, he is concentrating hard and approaches it in a most serious manner. Under no circumstances break his concentration! He manages to peel all three carrots needed for our salad.