Five Things - Essential items for the Montessori Child
I have decided on a Friday Feature post, every Friday I will write a feature titled Five Things. This week is five essential items for the Montessori child. I am sometimes asked about what items we use most or what I would recommend to people starting out with Montessori. Here are my suggestions and our five essential items.
1. Small table and chair
Every child needs a table and chair at which they can comfortably sit, work and eat at. If you only purchase one thing make it a small table and chair.
2. Small things
Small glasses from which to drink. Small jugs from which to pour. Small trays to carry. Little people will have greater success and more confidence working with items which they have control over or which fit in their hands.
3. Step stool
Every home with children usually has at least a couple of these. We have one in each bathroom, one in the pantry, one in the garage and a couple floating around. They can help your child reach light switches, door knobs, taps, higher shelves and reach a new level of independence.
4. Apron/s
Aprons are so useful, not only do they assist in keeping clothes clean they also help a child know when work has commenced and concluded. A different apron for different activities would be ideal, think one for cooking, one for washing dishes, one for gardening. Hang them on low hooks near the activity. Purchase or make an apron the child can put on and take off themselves.
5. Dust pan and broom
There are so many ways your child can get involved in helping around the house. A child sized dust pan and broom is a good way to start. We also love our larger brooms, mop and carpet sweeper. Hang them on low hooks accessible to the child. Before you know it your child will be cleaning up after themselves and taking responsibility for their own mess.
Please join in. What are your five essential items and what items would you recommend to families just starting out?