My awesome sister Shannon
This is a picture of my (little) sister Shannon with Ethan. They are getting married in November!! Shannon is a podiatrist, an athlete and an achiever. She is making her dreams come true.
Tomorrow is a HUGE day for us. Shannon will compete in Challenge Cairns. 3.8km Swim, 180km Ride and 42.2km Run. The equivalent of a full Ironman. She has competed in triathlons, half ironman, marathons before but nothing like this. She is awesome.
Shannon, you are the best Aunty in the world and such a great role model for Caspar and Otis.
We love you, we are proud of you, and we think you are AMAZING.
Good luck and stay strong!
Edited 6 June. Such great endurance Shannon. At at time of 11 hours and 22 minutes Shannon came third in her category!!