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May 2011
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July 2011

How often do we give our children inappropriate materials. In reality it probably doesn't do too much harm, but it doesn't do any good either. Beginning Montessori state 'Most rattles are so big they look like a bar bell when offered to an infant' and I think they are right. Otis is still little (9 weeks) and this sweet little bell rattle fits perfectly in his hands. It is seriously the sweetest 'toy' for an infant and so, so simple. It is the only hand material that he is using (the others in the above picture are a little big... Read more →

Wiping your nose is a combination between Grace and Courtesy and Care of Self. It is now early Winter and although Caspar has had many lessons in wiping his nose he is so inefficient at it (he has a lot of mucus at the moment) it is getting him down. I have tried to get him into the bathroom but he cannot see himself well enough in the mirror and it seems so inconvenient. I also don't like correcting him or wiping his nose for him. Although he is only three he does take pride in doing things himself. So... Read more →

Montessori mentions the need to follow the natural rhythm of the child and to meet the child's natural needs. I think this is especially important for feeding and sleeping. For Otis (2 months) this means feeding by demand (no timing or scheduling feeds) allowing him to detach himself from the breast and finish feeding when he is ready sleeping when he needs to for as long as he needs providing safe, warm, comfortable environments for him to sleep. Fortunately feeding Otis is simple, he is always with me, he feeds well and is growing well. For sleeping we provide lots... Read more →

Goose Designs

April from the wonderful Goose Designs has included some of our images on her etsy site, so if you haven't already click on over and check them out. Goose Designs have a small range of mobiles and grasping materials and their packaging is so lovely. Any of their items would make a perfect gift for expecting parents or a newborn and what a great way to introduce Montessori to a family. Read more →

This is a picture of my (little) sister Shannon with Ethan. They are getting married in November!! Shannon is a podiatrist, an athlete and an achiever. She is making her dreams come true. Tomorrow is a HUGE day for us. Shannon will compete in Challenge Cairns. 3.8km Swim, 180km Ride and 42.2km Run. The equivalent of a full Ironman. She has competed in triathlons, half ironman, marathons before but nothing like this. She is awesome. Shannon, you are the best Aunty in the world and such a great role model for Caspar and Otis. We love you, we are proud... Read more →

If you are new to Montessori and have young children I would suggest you read How to Raise and Amazing Child (Tim Seldin) or Montessori from the Start (Paula Polk Lillard & Lynn Lillard Jessen). Understanding the Human Being (Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro) is my absolute bible however I would only recommend it to people who already have some background Montessori knowledge. But what about Montessori herself? How much Montessori have you read and would you recommend it to parents?? Some say she is hard to read or a little dry. I think it depends on what you are reading. Some... Read more →

As Otis (8 weeks) really enjoys batting his Gobbi mobile, today I put up his bell on a ribbon. I hung the bell from a ceiling hook in our lounge area. At the end of the ribbon there is some elastic so when he is ready to grasp the bell it has some give in it. We purchased the bell on a ribbon from Goose Designs. His batting (and kicking) at the moment is accidental. He is only just making the connection that he is hitting the bell which is making the sound. Soon this will become intentional movement and... Read more →