Breastfeeding, one side only. It's not so strange.
Up on all fours

Keeping up with his desire for more.

Caspar filling juicer

Our kitchen so often reflects our lives. Sometimes busy and fast. Sometimes slow and easy. 

Our kitchen also reflects our relationship with our children.

In recent times it reflects Caspar's desire for more.

More independence.

More challenge. 

Caspar pushing fruit into juicer

Gone are the days of juicing by hand. The best part about using this juicer is he can juice more fruits, more vegetables, more variety.

Caspar jucing with both hands pushing

Caspar has watched me use this juicer many times. Each time absorbing how I use it. Where I put my hands. Now he can do it all my himself. It's what it's all about. 

Orange, carrot, green apple and ginger. Juice just the way we like it.


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