Transporting Schema?
Otis is walking. It feels like I can breathe a sigh of relief. At fifteen, almost sixteen months he is by no means an early walker.
The age when children start walking varies so much it's a reminder of how different our children are. It's why so many people tell me their child isn't interested in the same activities as Otis. Now he is walking he's interested in different things too.
His top priority is practicing walking. Even better if he can find something to carry. He loves to carry a basket and find things to put in the basket. Then he will walk around the house picking up and dropping off items, sometimes in little piles. A sock, a hair brush - whatever he can find. He does the same with books.
I'm pretty sure his in a transporting schema?
Are schemas like sensitive periods? I know schemas come from within. The best we can do is encourage and provide the right environment. For Otis right now that means lots of little things and a few baskets and buckets (he does this outside too). I'm not sure how to extend this activity but I have a feeling he will show me the way.