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A wind chime instrument for our sensory garden

A wind chime instrument for our sensory garden

Sound was an element missing from our developing sensory garden. Well, there is the crunch of the gravel when you walk. When our wind chimes broke I immediately sent Kate a picture asking for ideas. 

The bamboo parts were intact. They were previously strung to a coconut shell which broke.   

Bamboo wind chimes

I threaded them together with some twine using a large embroidery needle. I looped back around each piece of bamboo so they would stay in place and wouldn't slide on the twine. 

Re-stringing bamboo windchimes

I created a stand by nailing three pieces of new bamboo stakes together. I had previously used a hand saw to cut the stakes to size. I then firmly tied the bamboo chimes to the stand. I gave the children some left over bamboo to play the chimes. 

Bamboo chimes add sound to our sensory garden.

The next element I'm working on is water (which may just add some sound too). I'm thinking of a water wall using bamboo instead of guttering or pipes, let me know if you see anything similar. 

P.S. Can you tell Otis isn't wearing a nappy? He's wearing underpants!!

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