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What to do with all those Puzzle Maps?

Puzzle Map work rolled up
From Caspar's earliest days at Montessori he loved Puzzle Maps. He would talk about Europe and working with friends on various puzzles. Then he started to bring home Puzzle Map artwork. First he brought home outlines of various states and countries. As time progressed he would bring home work with countries coloured in and with the oceans painted with water colour.
Next labels began to appear and map by map his handwriting improved. We have the map of the world framed and hanging on the wall but what to do with the others? We had over twelve pieces rolled up and stored in a box, they were starting to look a bit tattered. I found this large art portfolio and it was the perfect solution. Each Puzzle Map piece fits into a plastic pocket. You can see Otis's hand below for an idea of the scale. Not only a lovely way to preserve this work but it's perfect to leave out and show the Grandparents. 
Puzzle Map work stored in large Art Portfolio
This work is great for their hand control, tracing around the outside of the puzzle pieces and all that colouring in. It's also a great geography lesson! Does your child love Puzzle Maps? I'd love to hear what you do with all their artwork. I know many people scan children's artwork but I feel like they put so much effort into this work I couldn't throw it away. 
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