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I made-it-myself paper!

Making recycled paper - how we montessori

I love working with the boys and showing them how things are made. Often projects stem from Caspar's questions, often from something he has seen or read in a book. Always from his natural curiosity.

Over the weekend we made our own recycled paper. It was fun, wet and pretty messy. It's a wonderful project because in the end Caspar has his own paper to use and share with others.   

Together we spent many hours tearing waste paper into little pieces. Then we soaked the paper for a couple of hours. 

Recycling paper - montessori

We put the paper with water into the blender. 

Making recycled paper - how we montessori

Then blended until happy with the consistency. We weren't too fussy, certainly keep on blending for finer particles. 

Making recycled paper - how we montessori

Then poured the paper pulp into a big tub and used the deckle to form a consistent layer. No photos of this stage because I didn't want to cover my camera with lovely paper pulp. Did I mention messy? 

Making recycled paper - how we montessori

Then transferred the paper onto cotton (must be a natural fabric) and compressed to dry. 

Recycled paper - how we montessori

Making paper - how we montessori

Beautiful handmade, I made-it-myself paper!

Home made recycled paper - how we montessori

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