Montessori. Toddlers. Books.
Fabric Fruit Prints

A cultural basket

Globe next to cultural basket

I'm going to keep this little space in the study for themed baskets. I'm planning on leaving the basket there for as long as the children are interested in it. I don't have any expectations, perhaps a week, a month, six months? It will be a good way of using some of the materials not on our shelves and it might lead to some focused learning. 

We are starting with a cultural basket. There are so many options to extend this. Lets see where it goes. It's the first time we have kept a globe where Otis can reach it. He loves and is fascinated by globes, wanting to carry them. This basket includes a children's atlas, book and a memory game featuring flags of the world and books about children from different cultures. I have found that children are often interested in different cultures from a child's perspective. I also feel less is better, at least to begin with. The children can always add to the basket. 

Inspired by Mariah's Bird Watching Basket and other nooks

Geographycultural basket and globe

Geographycultural basket

This is quite separate from Caspar's research work which is very individual and kept where Otis cannot access it. This is more a basket of exploration for both children and possibly something they can explore together. 

We have previously kept the world map about Caspar's desk. I think we'll find a permanent position where it is available for all to see and use. 

Have you tried creating a nook or themed basket for your children? I'd love to hear about it and which themes your children enjoyed the most. 

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