Gift ideas for Bed Time
This year for Christmas we will be giving the boys a few items to encourage a smooth transition to sleep. This week their new bunk bed arrived and I'm thankful that Otis has started sleeping in his own bed through the entire night. The new bed has provided the impetus, the circuit breaker, the change needed for him to move off the floor bed and not to come to me during the night. Although his bed/mattress is still really close to the floor (not as high as a standard single bed). As I've mentioned previously, its a change for him, it's a marker of time, a big step and the floor bed is no longer. This post contains some affiliate links.
I have read and wrapped Buddha at Bedtime - Tales of Love and Wisdom for You to Read With Your Child to Enchant, Enlighten and Inspire and Nightlights - Stories for You to Read to Your Child To Encourage Calm, Confidence and Creativity. The stories are only three to four (small) pages long. The stories and tales themselves are for Caspar however I know Otis will love the process, he will love listening to my voice, to my storytelling. I believe Buddha at Bedtime will be good for Caspar, he has a strong sense of social justice and in these stories good always prevails. He will find comfort and strength in their messages. Nightlights is more about meditation through storytelling. Each story has affirmations at the end. What a lovely way to finish the day.
The Putumayo CD and Dreamland is on my wish list. We haven't listened to CDs at bedtime for a while and I think it would be really beautiful to play on our warm summer nights as the boys prepare for bed. Our night lights are starting fail us (and we must have night lights), I love the look of SunJars. Being solar powered these sound like a great option for us. Available in Australia here.
I mentioned it last Christmas and didn't get it, but this year I've ordered Otis a Steiner Doll (I've ordered Otis the smaller doll with lighter brown hair). So far Otis hasn't taken a big interest in soft toys, he doesn't sleep with any toys so I'm hoping he will love this doll.
My boys love anything that glows in the dark (in Australia here). I'd love Otis to have some of his own stars to decorate the underneath side of the bunk. Both of my boys need new pyjamas and we love these in soft organic cotton. These aren't actually pyjamas but are a singlet and shorts that are comfortable to wear in and out of bed.
A new bed calls for new bed linen, this quilt cover and cushion are on my maybe, one-day, wish list. I'm taking note as it is the first time I've seen Hello Milky produce a quilt cover in the single size.
I'm looking forward to lots of easy bed times and sweet dreams.