Trays for Otis (38 months)
Learning to Write

Apples - three ways. Enjoying the simple things.

Otis with apple slicer:corer

Do you know your apple varieties and seasons - or are you like me and need a chart?

All I need to do is look at the markets (we've been enjoying the Northside UC Farmers Market - and the nutella waffles!) to see there is plenty in season. We're hoping to bake some - if Otis stops eating them all. 

Otis with apple slicer:corer #2

I often see toddlers with this apple slicer/corer but it is still difficult for Otis to use at three. It is good a tool though as the child needs to put their hands on the handles to press down, keeping fingers safely out of the way. I cut the apple in half horizontally so it sits flat on the cutting board. Also Otis is high above the apple (if a child is at a small table they will want to stand) so he gets his weight behind him to get leverage to slice through the apple. He also rocks the slicer/corer slightly from side to side if it gets stuck. 

Otis with apple after slicing

Do your children like to eat peel? Otis is going through a stage where peel/skin/crust is not acceptable, he will eat around it and likes everything peeled if possible. 

Otis with apple slinky

It's also fun to use cookie cutters to make snack. They can be used on all types of food - bread, cheese slices and why not fruit!

Otis using cookie cutters on the apple

This was fun for number recognition. 

Otis with cookie cutters on apple #2

I was hoping to place the numbers in order, do some counting but not a chance - he ate them straight away. 

Otis gobbling up all the apple snack


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