Five ways to Apply Montessori at Home.
Pincer Grasp Through The Years - Toddler to Preschooler.

Over the weekend...

Otis at art centre Nov 2015

Over the weekend the world experienced tragic events that have touched us all. My thoughts are with those who have been impacted directly. On Saturday we went to a children's drop in art centre. We are slowly exploring this city. The art centre was the most fabulous place (with the most fabulous art teachers!). 

Otis at art centre November 2015

I loved to observe how the teachers interact with the children. They really guide the children through their art processes without ever taking over, being overbearing or interrupting. 

Caspar at art centre November 2015

Caspar made his own chess board with pieces made from plasticine. I never would have thought of this idea. Caspar loves chess so this was so perfect for him (and his fine motor skills). 

Caspar at art centre handmade Chess set

Back at home we tried some tie dying. I've always wanted to give it ago and we loved it. It's so worth the effort. 

Caspar with DIY Tie Dye Kit

Above Caspar (8 yrs) is applying the dye to the shirts. This was so much fun and the results were brilliant. We coloured lots of shirts for Christmas gifts and both the boys kept a shirt for themselves. Otis is here with one of our fantastic giant sunflowers - they are huge. 

Caspar and Otis outside with sunflower and DIY tie dye shirts

I also wanted to show you these Lego creations Caspar made over the weekend. These are from the kits Lego Crazy Action Contraptions and Lego Chain Reactions Kit. They take Lego play to another level and include levers and cogs. Caspar likes the Crazy Action Contraptions more as the kit comes with all the pieces needed whereas the Chain Reactions Kit requires you to use some pieces (basic bricks) from your own Lego collection. 

Caspar's lego levers and cogs

Over the weekend we also explored a new park and did lots of baking together. I hope over the weekend you were able to spend time with your loved ones. 

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