I hope your day is filled with love, light and laughter!
Five Minute Montessori - Give the Child some Tongs!

Our Favourite STEM Toys

STEM toys at How we Montessori

I hope you are enjoying the Christmas break! Our guests left today so the boys spent most of the day in their pyjamas, until we had to go out for new batteries! I love the days between Christmas and New Years Day, the children are so immersed in their gifts and new toys. Caspar's (8yrs) gifts this year were science focused so I thought it would be fun to write about them and compose our favourite STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) toys list. 

Caspar received various science kits for Christmas including the CSIRO Climate Change Double Helix Science Kit. I also love (although haven't yet tried) the Potato Clock suggestion from It's A Practical Life

Here is a list of our favourites STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) toys.

1, Magformers. I wasn't sure about these as I initially thought my boys might be too old for them but it wasn't the case at all. Otis (4yrs) gets frustrated with them but Caspar loves to build intricate structures and often large models from the enclosed guide.

2. Anatomy Models. Caspar loves to build and rebuild these, we love the human anatomy models too. He already has more on his wish list (and he has a little Christmas money to spend). 

3. Lego Crazy Contraptions and Chain Reactions. Caspar first started using these at school, they provide extra components to Lego to incorporate gears and levers. A new world of building opens up. A fantastic approach to extending Lego play. 

4. Lego Technic. Another great Lego toy that takes an interest in Lego to the next level. 

5. IQ Key - Science Mobile Toy System. These are proving to be the best toys for Caspar. This was the toy he really wanted for Christmas. He has both the builder and the advance and it has and will provide many days, weeks, months of engineering play. 

For those in Australia our favourite place to shop for science toys and materials is Mad About Science. I'd love to hear about your most loved or favourite STEM toys!

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