Montessori Care of the Environment - Indoor Plants
Gross Motor Movements

Montessori Today: A Comprehensive Approach to Education from Birth to Adulthood

Otis with rainbow sand sensory play

Montessori Today is written by Paula Polk Lillard who also the co-author of Montessori From The Start. Paula Polk Lillard has many years of experience in Montessori and is the Co-Founder of Forest Buff School.  

Although the book covers the child from birth the focus is on elementary aged children and is suitable for parents and teachers. It is suitable for new parents and with those with little or no prior knowledge of Montessori. I really enjoyed the tone of the book. It is really easy to read and it's just full of information. 

I would recommend this book to parents who are considering a Montessori education for their children. To see what is ahead of them, to see what Montessori looks like throughout the child's life. As the author writes the education of the child should be viewed in its entirely, as a whole, "Goals and methods at each age level must fit together to form a cohesive whole, from birth to adulthood".

The book includes some Montessori theory and history. It provides a really in-depth explanation and examples of what happens in a Montessori school. It is one of the most thorough books I've read on the second plane of development and elementary (we call this primary) classrooms. This is great news for parents of children 6-12 years. There are very few Montessori books that focus on this age group. The chapters are listed below. 

The Origin and Theory of Montessori Education

Overview of the Primary Years

Changes in the Second Plane

The Great Lessons and Key Lessons

The Classroom Environment

The Elementary Teacher

Freedom and Responsibility

Scenes from an Elementary Classroom

The Planes of Adulthood

Montessori: Present and Future

I absolutely recommend this book to parents interested in (or already have a child in) Montessori education. This should be compulsory reading for parents of children in the second plane of development (6-12 years). If you have ever wondered what happens in a Montessori classroom or how the Montessori child learns - this book is for you.

This is a great read that I know I will go back to over the years. I also recommend getting a physical copy (if you are like me) as highlighting and sticky notes are required. 

(I apologise for the slightly unrelated picture above, Otis is playing with some coloured sand in a large sensory tray  c/o

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