Real and Beautiful Montessori Kitchens!
Current Craft Activities - at Five Years Old

Kids Cowch Experience - School Holiday Fun

Cowch Experience 1

Over the weekend we had the opportunity to preview a wonderful school holiday activity! It involved ice-cream, chocolate and delicious smoothies! 

Throughout the school holidays, Cowch have organised a fun experience for kids to go behind the scenes, creating their own smoothies and naked pops. The Kids Cowch Experience is heaps of fun and is also very delicious (you can book here). 

Cowch Icecream Experience

Cowch is a Dessert and Cocktail Bar located at South Bank, Brisbane. It's a great place to stop with the kids. South Bank is one of our favourite locations and over the school holidays we will be visiting the Out of the Box Festival and the new dinosaur exhibit at the museum. 

Otis eating icecream at Cowch

Caspar and Otis started at the Naked Pop Station, dipping their naked ice cream into melted chocolate (dark, milk or white) and then adding their toppings (my boys love sprinkles and mini marshmallows).

Caspar making smoothie at Cowch

Next they made their own smoothies! My boys loved this process, being behind the counter and coming up with spectacular combinations to make their own smoothies. The kids are able to select from the various ingredients and use all the equipment themselves. 

Ot smoothies Cowch

The Kids Cowch Experience is designed to get kids off the couch and into the kitchen these school holidays. The classes are $15 and available at 11am and 1pm, Monday to Friday from 27th June until the 8th July. Sessions run for approximately 30 minutes. Booking is essential as the classes fill up quickly! 

Ot drinking smoothie

Thank you to Cowch for having us! 

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