Children need three hours a day outdoors - to protect against myopia.
My thoughts on the Light Table and how we are using it.

Around here - Out of the Box Festival

Caspar and Otis suited up for the Holi throw

The boys are finally on school holidays! Over the weekend we went to the Out of the Box Festival, which is a huge arts festival in Brisbane for children 8 years and under. There are very few art festivals specifically for children this young. 

I love these words from the Festival Director Brett Howe: "This is a festival of little experts and big communities, of bold productions and intimate encounters and of electrifying moments and contemplative experiences."

First we went to the Holi Throw. Above Caspar and Otis are suited up ready to go in.

Caspar and Otis at the Holi Throw - Out of the Box Festival Brisbane 2016

This was so much fun and out of the ordinary. They had these pipes you could pump to get the colour to come out. 

Otis 3

The children were invited to dance like their colour, how does blue dance, how does yellow dance? There is music playing in the background.  

Otis at the Holi Throw at the Out of the Box Festival - splash guard

Otis needed time out, it was a little overwhelming. 

Caspar Otis Holi Throw Out of the Box

Covered in colour at the end! I love that the boys could do this together. 

Otis Out of the Box

So many activities at this festival. 

Caspar learning to play Gong, Gong Garden Out of the Box

We also visited the Gong Garden. Caspar loved it so much, here he is getting a lesson on how to use a Gong. 

Caspar with Gong in Gong Garden at Out of the Box Festival

With this large Gong you sit in front of it while someone else plays it, you can feel it's vibrations. It's why Caspar is looking a little introspective. 

Otis with Nelalise Bells at Out of the Box Festival 2016

And some Nepalese bells. So lovely. I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying the school holidays!

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