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Montessori Classrooms - Around the World (Part Two)

Nature Walk Montessori School, IL USA, Classroom

Nature Walk Montessori School, Illinois, USA. 

Czech Reblic Montessori School

Montessori Mozaika, Czech Republic. Wow, so clean and ordered, I love the open shelving!

Bluebell Montessori School UK

Bluebell Montessori School, Wembley, UK. 

Keystone Montessori School SA

Keystone Montessori, Midrand, South Africa. Take a look outside - gorgeous! 

Montessori School of Moscow, Russia

Montessori School of Moscow, Russia. It's subtle in Montessori classrooms but there are plants and flowers everywhere! 

Learning Steps Montessori, Greece

Learning Steps Preschool Education, Kifisia, Greece. 

Montessori School of Geneva - cycle one classroom

Montessori School of Geneva, Switzerland. Love the light and tall windows! 

Lindfield Montessori NSW Australia

Lindfield Montessori Preschool, New South Wales, Australia. I love how large this space is yet still divided into areas. I also love how the sandpaper letters are stored, they are quite large, about the same size as the books, and are stored on the shelf behind the yellow flowers to the left. Also, I love the piano in the classroom! 

You can read Montessori Classrooms - Around the World (Part One) here. In most cases, you can follow the links to see more about the school. To be included in this series please submit photographs or links to your school to [email protected].

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