Montessori Accounts to Enjoy on Instagram - September!
Two New Games to Try - For Spatial Awareness, Visual Discrimination, Brain Development.

Montessori Kitchen Areas 18-months to 5 Years

How we Montessori - Montessori Kitchen Areas from 18 months

Take a peek into our Montessori kitchen areas through the years starting at eighteen months. As the children get older we naturally move things around. You will see a lot of the same materials just in different locations. It's fun to look back! 

Above our food preparation area from 18 months, including a drinking station.  

Montessori Kitchen Ideas at How we Montessori

We put low side table near our kitchen for pouring drinks and serving food. There is a small (bar) refrigerator near our kitchen to store the children's snack, it's nice and easy for them to access independently. We have a low hook near the dishwasher for a small/child sized tea towel. We also want our children to be involved in composting so our bokashi composting system is kept in an accssible kitchen cupboard.  

Montessori Kitchen areas from three years at How we Montessori

Kitchen shelves with plates and glasses from three years. The top left picture is from our Canberra house and the other images are from our Brisbane house. We used the Fun Pod (top right) from 18 months for the children to work at the kitchen bench.  

How we Montessori - Kitchen areas at Four

 Above is our kitchen areas from four years. We are still using the bokashi system of composting! 

How we Montessori - Kitchen Areas at Five

Kitchen areas at five years. Also at five years we introduced a low and child accessible toaster oven for baking. 

I hope you've found some useful ideas!

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