Montessori Tips for the Left-Handed Child
Cursive Handwriting in Montessori - Meghan Hicks

Gorgeous Waldorf Calendars

Waldorf Calendars at HWM #2

I have been participating in the Montessori Notebook Setting Up Your Home Montessori-Style e-course and I've been working hard to improve our home areas for Caspar (8yrs). We still use and love our calendars including our Linear and Child-Friendly calendar but I wanted something simple for Caspar to put on his desk. I thought something wooden would be nice and remembered seeing a Waldorf style calendar with a candle. My search revealed a whole world of wonderful Waldorf calendars. I think we will go with the wooden perpetual calendar with the blocks (this DIY version looks good!) however while I'm browsing, aren't these gorgeous?? 

Some of the things I love about the Waldorf approach, which is reflected in these calendars, is the connection to the colour of the day and the connection to the seasons. Of course, I love all the natural materials and colours too!

Wooden Calendar for all seasons at Nova Natural (I love this sooo much!)

Waldorf Inspired Children's Perpetual Calendar at The Toadstool Forest

Twelve Brothers Perpetual Waldorf Calendar

Perpetual Waldorf Calendar - Days of the Week

The Colours of the Week at Klara Luna

Grimm's Annual Calendar Ring (Australia here).

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