Beautiful Montessori Accounts to Follow on Instagram
Do you follow any Montessori accounts on Instagram? It's a lovely way to gain ideas and inspiration. Here are a few Montessori accounts that I am currently enjoying!
Golden Busina (Golden Bead) Montessori School in St Petersburg, Russia. Lots of gorgeous classroom pictures and videos.
Ninis Montessori - A Montessori family from Barcelona! Anne (from Nininoes) has just started re-posting on this account and I hope she keeps it up!
Pamela Green from Ananda Montessori. Lots of really lovely infant and toddler environments and activities. There is lots of inspiration here for those setting up an infant space!!
Bluebird Montessori in Delmar, NY. This is a very creative environment for children 3-6 years.
Montessori Village in Madrid, Spain. Lots of classroom pictures and practical life activities.
Our Montesstory. Sometimes learning about Montessori in the home can be overwhelming, I really enjoy following real families as watching their children grow and the activities they do, really breaks it down into simple and doable parts. This family is really lovely and they have a simplified home environment (from the blog Our Montesstory).
You can also read my other suggestions to follow on Instagram including;
Eight Awesome Montessori Families to Follow on Instagram.