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Montessori Shelfies! #montessorishelfie

I love looking at other people's #montessorishelfies. I get ideas for my own children, I see activities they might enjoy and generally I feel inspired. All of these #montessorisheflies are doable and relatable! I hope you enjoy these too! There is so much to love here, the materials, the simple table and chair nearby with vase, low hanging art work and a plant to care for! You can get a feel for the work flow here. The child can work at the table or on the mat. This is a space for multi-age children and it works! There is actually... Read more →

Today I'm sharing a little about Mobilo. Previously we've featured Mobilo in a post about what plastic toys make the grade in our home. Otis has been using and loving Mobilo since he was around four years old. Now he is older his creations just get bigger with more moving and more complex parts. He loves making long trains or high cranes. Mobilo is made up of basic geometric elements that can be easily combined using various connectors. Once children have familiarized themselves with the versatility of Mobilo, they can create an infinite number of models without any limits! Mobilo... Read more →

1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7. / 8. / 9. / 10. / 11. / 12. Does your child's school use cloth napkins? Most Montessori schools do. How about at home? I know many families don't use napkins at all (cloth or paper) but I've found them really useful not only when the children first start with solids (weaning, baby led or Montessori style) but also for teaching grace and courtesy, just plain manners at the dinner table or when out at picnics or eating with friends and family (snack or morning tea).... Read more →

The supermarket has lots of materials that you can use to bring a little Montessori into your home. Keep your eyes open, you might be surprised what you can find! These are a few examples of materials we have found in our local supermarket! Wooden handled mops and brooms. If you have a saw, hand saw or helpful neighbor you can cut the handle to make it child size. I keep a small handsaw in my office for this and similar purposes. The same can apply to larger wooden kitchen utensils such as wooden spoons, shorten the handle a little... Read more →

I often feature images of gorgeous Montessori home environments. Today I'm sharing words. Words from some well-known Montessorians that I've been reading. I hope you find these quotes as useful and inspiring as I do! ...... "A rich environment, full of interesting activities, having to do with music, art, history, geography, science, language and math, inspires curiosity, fosters broad interests, and extends the child's experience. Observations of children in such homes and schools have taught us to focus on the preparation of an early environment, rather than trying to "teach". This allows the child to choose and to teach herself.... Read more →