What are the Educational Benefits of Playmobil? + Christmas Gift Ideas!
Handmade Sibling Gifts + Child's Sewing Project

Handmade Toys for a Montessori Home - from Etsy!

Montessori Gift Ideas on Etsy from How we Montessori

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? I haven't and really won't be ordering much as we are moving in January (we don't have dates yet). However, if I am going to order from overseas, orders need to be placed now so they arrive in time! Here are a few things I'm currently loving on Etsy.  

I also really like this Felt Moveable Alphabet, it looks incredibly nice and soft to work with. I love that these could be used on a felt or message board and can be ordered with red or blue vowels and consonants, how very Montessori. Now it's time to think about teacher gifts! 

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