Loving - Solar System Work!!
A month or so ago we installed this fantastic Solar System Mobile in Otis' room, it's huge but so interesting. I recently noticed a very similar mobile in this Montessori influenced room at calivintage. It has me thinking about all the various solar system models we've had in the boys' rooms (do you remember our crazy inflatable planets) and how much I love solar system work! There something about learning about the universe that has me feeling so very inspired.
1. Solar System Mobile - this is the mobile we currently have in Otis' room.
2. Uncle Milton Solar System in My Room Model. We had this in Caspar's room when he was little, the planets move around the sun (it's motorized) and are remote controlled, it also comes with a CD.
3. Flash of Brilliance Space Cards with Fun Facts - these have facts on the back, can be put on the wall or used for matching work (as shown below).
4. Nienhuis Planets of the Solar System - this is a school set but provides ideas and inspiration for the home, there are lots of printable versions available online at Montessori print shops, TPT and similar.
5. National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Space - our favourite book on space.
6. Educational Insights Motorized Solar System - we haven't tried this one but it's on our wishlist!
7. Learning Resources Giant Magnetic Solar System - you need a large magnetic surface for these!
8. Il mio cofanetto Montessori di Astronomia - I'm a huge fan of Eve's work and this looks comprehensive and beautifully illustrated.
If you are in Australia many of these products can be found at Educational Experience or at Mad About Science. We are currently (in the UK) looking for a good quality but child-friendly telescope, please let me know if you have any recommendations. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!