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Five Things on a Friday - My Top Montessori Home/Room Tours

New York Social Diary 650

Today I want to share my top five Montessori home and room tours. I've found all of these useful and they have all impacted my parenting and our home environments. These tours help to explain how the rooms work, how they are laid out, it's not just about the materials. 

1. Lisa Mahar (from Kid O) at the New York Social Diary. This is an old article but it has stayed with me over the years. Those cute little beds have influenced the beds I have wanted for my children and I've constantly referenced the playroom and how well organised it is.

Finn's Room  Sew Liberated

2. Finnian's Montessori Room at Sew Liberated. You can also see the room updated here. This room is special as it contains just about every element you could want in a Montessori bedroom. This is a little frustrating for me right now as I have an infant in a small space, but this is a really good bedroom to reference and to get lots of ideas. This room also has lots of hand made touches which makes it personal, warm and inviting. 

Jacobs Room 11 Months Eltern vom Mars

3. Jacob's Room (11 Months) at Eltern vom Mars. If you like this space you might also like Julia's Room at Six Years Old. This room is particularly useful for me as her son is only a few months older than mine. Anna uses lots of natural wood furniture, texture and open space, the rooms are always light, airy and fresh.

Mothers Abroad

4. Mother's Abroad Tour at How we Montessori. Christina has created such wonderful spaces. I like her use of furniture to create zones in her home and her aesthetic is clean, simple and colourful.

Midwest Montessori Children's Kitchen

5. Montessori Home Tour at Midwest Montessori. One of the reasons I like this one so much is the details and explanations, the effort Amy has gone to, to share and help other parents. She covers every room of the house in a real and practical way. This home tour covers several posts and is comprehensive.

There is a lot of information online about Montessori in the home. I find all of these home tours inspiring but still relatable and simple and clean. They don't overwhelm me. I hope you've enjoyed these too!

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