The Pikler Arch - at Nine Months. How and Why.
Otto's Montessori Room at 10 months + New Montessori Furniture Options

Weekend Montessori Reading - Links and Things + Fab New Nature Book

Montessori Links and Things Friday 6 July

How was your week? My children are officially on summer school holidays. How strange it feels to have summer holidays in July!!  The weather here in the UK has been absolutely gorgeous. Here are a few links and things I've been enjoying:

  1. There are some good ideas here - Where to Start with Practical Life in the Kitchen at Fishies in a Row. 
  2. Montessori Kids in the Kitchen at The Montessori Notebook, by Montessori Toddler guide Simone Davies, including a list of useful recipes.
  3. The Montessori Floor Bed: What we do and how we do it at Love and Wellies. 
  4. I am loving Wonder and Wander: An Early Childhood Nature Connection Guide by Montessori teacher Kelly Johnson. It's an excellent resource for teachers and parents. It has lots of simple ideas but many things I would not have thought of. This is for young children, best for toddlers up to around six years of age.  
  5. We are drying some flowers and will use this frame (UK) to create a DIY version of these lovely framed pressed flowers. This would look lovely in a child's learning space or nature corner. 
  6. 5 Things You And Your Kids Can Do To Help Our Bee Populations! at Gather and Moss. 

I'm taking baby massage classes this summer, so I enjoyed Baby Massage: How and Why You Need to Do It at Mama Natural.

We have some sad family news and we will be traveling back to Australia as soon as we can. I have a couple of posts scheduled for next week but it may be quiet here early in the week. Take care and have a lovely weekend. 

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