Montessori Homes Around the World - Romania
Realistic Science Books for Kids

Weekend Montessori Reading - Links and Things

Autumn at How we Montessori 2018 UK

How was your week? Our week was full, I feel that we are enjoying the busyness. Everyone is working hard at school and after school and everyone has their chosen interests they are following. I feel like the balance is good. Here are a few articles and links and things that I've been enjoying this week:

Some parents are choosing this Montessori school because of its diversity - How a diverse Indianapolis Montessori school quadrupled its applications in two years at Chalkbeat. Also, who knew there were some 500 publically funded Montessori schools across the United States? 

We know that a consistent home and school environment is important but to what extent do parents of children who attend a Montessori school actually Montessori at home? at The Journal of Montessori Research: "In the present study, greater (self-reported) patience was associated with providing children with choices, encouraging autonomy, and other behaviors that reflected doing Montessori at home. It is possible that parents who had more peaceful or positive childhoods were better able to remain emotionally calm to encourage children’s independence." If you are a teacher I suggest reading the end discussion on the importance of supporting (and educating) parents at home. 

Are you still making your children's lunchboxes? This is a good read Lunches (Part 2)... The Bridge to Independence at Villa di Maria Montessori School. 

It's the start of our first European Autumn and Otis has been enjoying collecting Conkers. Muddy Faces has a good list of Conker Inspiration for children.  

Over the last few weeks, Otis has been attempting to grow crystals. He has used a couple of science kits and only had success with this one by 4M, it's one that we would recommend! 

If you are looking for some Montessori toddler kitchen inspiration, this space is lovely at The Natural Montessorian. 

This makes me miss home and our previous Montessori toddler classes. Tour of a Montessori toddler classroom in Amsterdam at The Montessori Notebook (this is an updated version). 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

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