I've been reading two forest school books. Play the Forest School Way and A Year of Forest School. All of the activities have at least two things in common. They are absurdly simple and nature/found things are the hero. Sun prints are a bit like that. Simple to do, and it's nature that steals the show. When we observe the seasons and the changing of seasons we often look at birds and the trees. When looking for interesting items to use for our sun prints we found a lot of feathers from the birds, and leaves and flowers from trees... Read more →
I have lived in four houses since having children. Each house has it's own challenges especially when it comes to Montessori spaces. Our new home in the UK is extra small and we are still working out where to put some of our things. As Otto's need to access practical life materials increases I'm looking back at where we have stored practical life materials like cleaning supplies including brooms and dustpans in our previous homes. I can't stress enough how important it is for children to have access to cleaning supplies. It doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive. A... Read more →
At almost 12 months of age, we are starting to introduce Otto to a wide range of practical life activities. To be honest, it's more like he is demanding to be involved. Last week we started using the FunPod and it's been a lifesaver. Practical life in our home occurs naturally - when I am doing something I ask myself is there a way my children can be involved. Last Sunday morning Otto helped to whisk his eggs for breakfast, while I tided he washed his dishes (played with the sink water with his dishwashing brush and dishes). Children and... Read more →
There are so many things to love about homemade finger paint. We use a lot of it, sometimes a whole packet or tub in one go, it's so much more affordable to make it yourself. With Otto at 11 months I want to know that the paint is safe, often paint labels don't list all of the ingredients and to just say non-toxic isn't enough. Also it's fast to make, if we don't have any left I like to be able make some up in just a few minutes! The problem I have with a lot of recipes for baby... Read more →
Wow! This is a varied list - something for everyone. Here are a few links that I've been loving this week: Baby Montessori Room from 10 months. I think this room is in Germany. It has so many interesting elements and the baby change area has a potty! This is important. I'm going to ask Caspar (my 10 yr old) to have a look at these and let me know what he thinks. Want an update? Young and Informed: Credible News Sources for Kids. I can agree with all of these. 8 ways in which the RIE approach has shaped... Read more →