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Top 10 Montessori Posts From Around the Web - 2018

Top 10 Montessori Posts from around the Web in 2018  at How we Montessori

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Today I'm sharing the top 10 Montessori posts from around the web in 2018. These are from English speaking sites only and I've excluded multiple articles about Jeff Bezos (four in total). There are a few articles here that I hadn't read before. It's nice to read about Montessori from various sources, it gives a more balanced view. I hope you enjoy! 

1. Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos Pledge $2 Billion for Homelss and Preschoolers at The New York Times.

2. Montessori schools are exceptionally successful. So why aren't there more of them? at America Magazine. 

3. 9 phrases Montessori teachers use to build resilient kids at Motherly.

4. Montessori at home: Giving your child 'purposeful work' could be a game-changer at Motherly. 

5. Montessori Had It Right: We Learn By Doing at Psychology Today.

6. 6 Montessori parenting habits to practice every day at Motherly.

7. How to Respond to Defiant Behaviour the Montessori Way at Volcano Mama.

8. Montessori Inspired Toys and Homeschool Materials on Etsy at Chalk Academy.

9. 19 Best Toys for Montessori Kids 2018 at NY Mag.

10. Montessori at home: 34 books every kid needs - for newborns to 6-year-olds at Motherly.

Wanting a few more...

11. Could the Montessori method help people with dementia at The Guardian.

12. Build a Bilingual Montessori School in Nicaragua at Global Giving.

13. How do you find a real Montessori school if any school can use the name? at Slate.

14. Gabriel Garcia Marquez on Montessori at Montessori Education. 

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