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Montessori - Real Homes, Shelves and Bedrooms!

How we Montessori real Montessori homes
I'm needing a good dose of Montessori realness and cuteness! Here are a few spaces that I'm loving and admiring.

This room is calming and soothing. This is how you introduce children's toys without overwhelming the room! 

Another refreshingly real space that is calm and well organised for the child.

A gorgeous bedroom for a 17-month old toddler.

This picture is via Sprout but the family is Inspired Little Learners, Allison has some of the cutest pictures around! 

I love just how real and practical this is. This bed looks so cosy and comfortable!

Real, nice and simple play area. Low shelves, mirror, small book shelf. 

A peaceful child-centred nook in Italy. Books and materials are all at the child's height.

This is a super simple and ordered Montessori toddler space.

There is no need to fill the room before the child is born. This is an infant space in Canada. Spacious and ordered with lots of room for the child to grow into it.

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