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Montessori Activities to Try at 18-24 Months

Language basket at 18 months

Are you looking for some Montessori style activities for your 18-24 months old? Remember that every child and every family is different. Above is a child's bedroom at 23 months. It is very simple. Note the choice of two tops in the wardrobe, a low chair for dressing, low floor bed, and low bookshelf. Everything is at the child's height.

I've included some toys that we use at 18-24 months. These toys are compatible with Montessori at home, however, they are not specifically Montessori materials. When we introduce Montessori activities we generally give the child a demonstration (show the child how to use them) first and place the material on low shelving. The child is then able to choose the work when they wish. The idea is that learning is child-led. Also, remember to encourage the child to clean up and return the materials to the shelf when finished, as much as possible. The cycle could include 1. the child chooses the work from the shelves, 2. the child does the work (does the activity) and 3. the child puts the work away. 

Here are some of our favourite and most used activities at 18-24 months.  

Language basket at 18 months

Begin to make their bed by straightening up the pillows, pulling down and smoothing over a blanket. 

Language basket at 18 months

Very simple flower arranging. The tray contains spills from the child learning to pour water. 

Language basket at 18 months

Hang washing. Here the child is hanging socks on a low rail. 

Language basket at 18 months

Draw/mark-making with oil pastels.

Dot markers at HWM

Paint with dot markers.

Language basket at 18 months

Scrub vegetables. 

Language basket at 18 months

Help unpack and put away groceries. This can also be a language lesson, naming each item as the child unpacks it. 

Language basket at 18 months

Stacking and sorting. These are the Plan Toys stacking cylinder and cube. Stacking cups, boxes or bowls may also be of interest. 

Language basket at 18 months

Water plants. Here we are using a very small watering can to limit spills and overwatering. 

Language basket at 18 months

Read books based on reality, so the child learns about the world around them. A low forward-facing bookshelf makes it easy for the child to see, get out, and put back their own books. (Similar bookshelves sling, 4 shelves natural, large).

Language basket at 18 months

Simple two-piece puzzles (similar two-piece puzzles and realistic First Match-It puzzles).

Language basket at 18 months

Stacking peg toy. This is also useful for colour sorting (similar peg board).

Language basket at 18 months

Playdough stamping (using these stampers). 

Language basket at 18 months

Make footprints in playdough. 

Language basket at 18 months

Clay play, making a collage helps to develop the pincer grasp and fine motor skills. 

Language basket at 18 months

A circle puzzle for visual discrimination and also colour matching (similar circle puzzle). 

Language basket at 18 months

Begin toilet learning. 

Language basket at 18 months

Explore nature. 

Language basket at 18 months

Visit a farm. 

Language basket at 18 months

Colour stacking rings (similar rings here). 

Language basket at 18 months

Pour pre-measured ingredients into a bowl...

Language basket at 18 months

and mix. The child can begin to help with baking. 

Language basket at 18 months

Water plants outside. 

Matching objects to cards 19 months

Match model insects to cards. (TOOB insects with homemade cards, although these cards would work for around six insects). 

Matching objects to cards 19 months

Match model vehicles to cards. (Siku model vehicles with homemade cards).

Matching aimals at 22 months

Match Schleich model animals to cards.

Matching aimals at 22 months

Peg sorting

Using stamps at HWM

Use self-inking stamps.

Using stamps at HWM

Chop soft foods with a crinkle cutter. (This crinkle cutter is good too and I also recommend these knives). 

Toddler mopping at how we Montessori

Mop the floor. Try sweeping or using a dust-pan and brush.

Pikler arch at 2yrs

Climb a Pikler Arch. 

Pikler arch at 2yrs

Sort cutlery. 

Locakable coin box at How we Montessori

Drop coins into a lockable cash box

Locakable coin box at How we Montessori

Use a lockbox (this one is by Lovevery).

Remember that doing activities and preparing the environment are only a part of Montessori at home. To find out more about Montessori parenting you might enjoy:

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