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Halloween Crafts & Activities

Practical Life Food Prep Ideas to Try - at One Year!

Otto 12 months tearing basil  food prep at 1 year

Are you looking for food prep activities for your one-year-old? Involving young children in food prep activities allows children to be connected to their food. Rather than the food appearing at the table, the child can see how it is made. Food prep activities allow children to explore food, its textures and tastes, it can show children what they are capable of and help them to develop coordination and fine motor skills. 

Let's see some of our favourite food prep activities for children 12-24 months. Please use the ages listed as a rough guide and full supervision of all activities is required. At this age we do a lot of slicing, mashing and juicing of fruit. If you find an activity your child likes, stick with it!! 

Above tearing and exploring basil. (12 months)

Otto 12 months tearing basil  food prep at 1 year

Experimenting and learning how to hold and use a knife. (12 months)

Otto 12 months tearing basil  food prep at 1 year

More cutting. The chopping at this age is a little random as the child develops coordination and hand strength, there is a bit of mashing the fruit too. ❤️🍓🍌 (12 months)

Banana slices peeling at 12 months

Peeling banana slices. I have cut the banana into slices and then slightly cut the peel so the child can independently peel that banana. This also helps to keep the banana slices fresh until the child decides to peel and eat them. (12 months)

Banana slices peeling at 12 months

And eating bananas. 

Montessori food prep 15 months at How we Montessori

Transfer food from the chopping board to the pan. (15 months)

Montessori food prep 15 months at How we Montessori

Helping to wipe the counter. If you are wiping the counter why not give the child a sponge and allow them to wipe too. (15 months)

Montessori food prep 15 months at How we Montessori

Washing and rinsing food in a colander. (15 months).

Chop apple 17 months at How we Montessori

Chopping apple with a crinkle cutter (AU here). This apple is peeled and cut so that it sits flat on the board. (17 months)

Slicing banana at How we Montessori 17 months

Slicing banana with a crinkle cutter. 

Juicing an orange at 18 months at How we Montessori

Using an electric juicer. ❤️🍊

Juicing an orange at 18 months at How we Montessori

The rewarding part of preparing the food is tasting and consuming it. 

Picking strawberries at How we Montessori

Picking (homegrown) strawberries. (20 months)

Rinsing strawberries at How we Montessori mini colander

Washing foods. (20 months)

Crinke cutter banana bread at How we Montessori

Cutting banana bread with a crinkle cutter. (20 months)

20 months chopping zucchini at How we Montessori

Chopping zucchini. I've pre-cut it so that it sits flat on the chopping board. I prep a few vegetables for him to cut while I do my own food prep. (20 months)

Spreading jam 21 months at How we Montessori

Spreading jam onto a rice cake. (21 months)

Use cherry chomper at How we Montessori one year old

Use the Cherry Chomper to remove the pits from the cherry. (21 months)

Use cherry chomper at How we Montessori one year old

Use a banana slicer to slice bananas. (21 months)

Use cherry chomper at How we Montessori one year old

Transfer foods with mini tongs (sugar tongs). (21 months)

Strawberry slicer at How we Montessori one year old

Slicing strawberries. 🍓 (21 months)

Oiling muffin tray at 22 months

Oiling the muffin tray. Using olive oil and a pastry brush. (22 months)

Oiling muffin tray at 22 months

Peeling a banana. (22 months)

Oiling muffin tray at 22 months

Mashing a banana. My child needed help to completely mash it. (22 months)

Oiling muffin tray at 22 months

Pouring pre-measuring ingredients into the bowl. This gets a little messy! (22 months)

Oiling muffin tray at 22 months

Mixing ingredients. This is fabulous for developing hand and arm strength and developing coordination! 🥣  (22 months)

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