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Wonderful Montessori Inspired Wood Working DIYs + Plans

Reddit beginnner woodworking Montessori toddler wardrobe

Are you a woodworker or have one among your family or friends? With some skill many Montessori materials and child size furniture can be made by hand. Hand made and homemade mean you can have control and surety over the woods and finishes used. It's not always cheaper or easier to DIY but the results are often more beautiful! Here are some woodworking DIYs that I've been loving.

As always be careful with safety and securing necessary furniture to the wall. Above is  Montessori Toddler Wardrobe using Birch. There are plans for a similar Montessori Toddler Closet at instructables workshop.

DIY Woodworking Reddit Kitchen Helper (1)

This Kitchen Helper looks height adjustable, solid and well made, using plans from Casual Builds

Reddit Montessori forward facing bookshelf

A lovely forward-facing Bookshelf. In the early years, particularly for children under three, a bookshelf where the child can see the cover of each book is desirable. It's important not to overfill the bookshelf, so the child can see all of the book covers and it's easy for the child to return the book to the shelf. Plans for a similar forward-facing Bookshelf can be found at Charleston Craft. Charleston Craft have other plans that are work checking out like the large Play Shelves

Reddit woodworking rotating bookshelf

Children's Rotating Bookshelves are popular right now! This style of children's bookshelf can hold a lot of books but still allow the books to be accessible. Fantastic for the 4yrs+ age group when children typically want access to lots of books. I love this design as it's nice, simple and not too chunky. I don't have any plans for this, the builder of this made it from looking at an existing bookshelf.


Cube Chairs and Toddler Table with a tutorial at Anika's DIY Life. Cube Chairs are useful as they can be used as tables, side tables and can be flipped for a different seat height. 

Reddit beginner woodworking Montessori floor bed

A handmade wooden Floor Bed. I know there are tons of handmade floor bed options but this one looks particularly sweet! 

Spinning Drum Plans DIY woodworking

How about a Spinning Drum? Plans by French Family Workshop. 


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