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Children's Weekly Calendars & Rhythm Charts

_Montessori weekly calendar Waldorf wooden toddler preschool   (1)

a. / b. / c. (AU) / d. / e. / f. (AU here)

A year or so ago I received a text from a friend, asking for a recommendation for a children's weekly calendar. I gave some general DIY suggestions as at that time all of our days kind of looked the same, we had no need for a weekly calendar. But now Otto (4yrs) asks repeatedly what day is swimming, what day is playgroup, what day is judo. It starts to drive me crazy and I found we absolutely had a need for a weekly calendar or a rhythm chart. 

A weekly calendar could be really useful for families with shared care arrangements and for those children who have started daycare, kindergarten, preschool or school. 

The idea is the child can easily see their week. Many of the calendars use pictures and visual clues so non-readers can identify the activities. It can be comforting for a child to see their week in advance and know what events are coming up. 

We can set the calendar up with the child at the start of the week, we can also reference the calendar at the start of each day so the child knows what is going to happen. Hopefully, over time the child will use the calendar independently. This is also a really practical way for children to learn the days of the week. 

I chose to use the Second Scout  Little Agenda Weekly Planner (AU), it's wooden and the tiles are magnetic, but there are a few other really lovely options (pictured above). 

I've just got word that Second Scout now ship to the US and Canada! 💕 Use the code HOWWEMONTESSORI to get 20% storewide until 25th March 2022. 

Second Scout Montessori calendar week planner agenda wooden at How we Montessori

The only downside to the Little Agenda, is that they don't customise tiles, you need to buy tiles in packs so there may be some in a pack that you don't use. I'd love a tile for Art Class. Some of the tiles are double-sided, but others aren't so it would be easy to draw on the back of one tile, but it wouldn't look consistent with the other tiles. You can get individual and personalised Picture Coins for the From Jennifer Weekly Rhythm Chart. Also, Otto loves to play with the tiles, and move them around, so it might be best to put the Little Agenda somewhere it is supervised. 

Wooden Calendar at How we Montessori

Our weekly calendar has made a difference, it's allowed Otto to see the week at a glance and has reduced frustration. When Otto asks what day swimming is I take him to the calendar, show him which day is 'Today' and which day is swimming. I'm sure it won't be long until he can read (or guess) the days of the week and work it out for himself. 

If you are interested in children's calendars and rhythms, you might also like to read about Day Calendar & Weather Boards.

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