Math Games to Talk About - at 3-4 years+
Plastic Free Playdough Station - Sydney Floods + Plastic Free July

Montessori Home Spaces - I'm Loving ❀️

Are you looking for ideas or inspiration for your Montessori home? I love taking a peek into other family homes but I don't love scrolling through social media. Today I've picked out a few gems that I hope you'll enjoy! 

This is a wonderful example of an infant movement area incorporating a weaning table, low shelves with age-appropriate materials, a mirror, a movement mat and a butterfly mobile. The highlight for me is the artwork at the child's level just above the weaning table. Perfection! 😘

This is an infant area for a five-month-old. Low shelves, age-appropriate materials, engaging low artwork and a soft rug to play on!  This is a standout for me because it's simple, calming and beautiful. 

I love the low-hanging family photos! They are just as engaging, if not more so than artwork.

This room isn't specifically Montessori... but that bed is super cute! From Germany. 

This play space is a little more packed as it is for a six-year-old. It's nice and bright and looks fun but ordered. Books, fine and gross motor activities and lots of Lego! In play spaces for children of this age, it's nice to see a comfy reading area, greenery, size-appropriate work table and chair, and a globe is always a must (in my view!). ❀️ 🌏

I don't like to show a lot of videos or reels as they are often too fast and too much to take in. This is a bedroom for a two-year-old and has many components we would suggest for a toddler bedroom space.

Not sure where to put your child's work table? Try a communal area so it's easy to supervise your child, and, in front of the largest lowest window - for the best view in the house.

These long shelves are spectacular! 😍The toys pictured here aren't specifically Montessori but they are stored and displayed beautifully, within easy reach of the child and easy to see and put away. 

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